13 Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has been enjoyed by people in China and Japan for thousands of years. Over time he became widely known in the West.

13 Health Benefits of Green Tea

I heard many people nowadays that the public health benefits of green tea, but many don’t know exactly why. And believe me, after I learned all the health benefits of green tea, get a totally different feeling every time I drink it. Not only enjoy the taste of it, but I also get moral satisfaction knowing that I am doing something right and very healthy for my body. I have exactly the same feeling I have, so here are the benefits you get while sipping a delicious Cup of tea.

Green tea contains antioxidants that:

1. helps prevent cancer.
Can reduce some strong evidence that include green tea in you every day diet colon and bladder, esophagus, pancreas, rectum, stomach cancer up to 60%. Antioxidants known as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) at least 100 times more effective than vitamin c and 25 times more effective than vitamin e to protect cells from harmful influence.

The amazing thing about this subject that the cells not only EGCG inhibits the growth of new cancer that also kills some sell current cancer without harming healthy ones.

2. reduce “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and improves the “good” cholesterol (HDL). This explains why tea drinkers can eat almost twice the foods that contain cholesterol and those who do not drink green tea, but still have a toll equal to cholesterol.

3. the blood cloth formation stops when not taking care of it will cause abnormal blood clotting. And takes on additional importance if you consider that the blood clot is one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes.

4. reduces the hypertensive Angiotensin II suppression causes constriction of the blood vessels causing high blood pressure.

5. lowers blood sugar (polyphenols and polysaccharides two major antioxidants particularly effective in lowering blood sugar). That helps prevent and alleviate type 2 diabetes.

6. protect the liver against toxins such as alcohol, chemicals in cigarette smoke.

7. promotes oral health by suppressing the formation of plaque and destroys bacteria that make up the Panel. It also destroys the bacteria that cause bad breath, after eating something sweet I suggest you drink a cup of green tea.

8. destroy free radicals that cause aging.

9. strengthen your immune system function (due to high concentration of polyphenols weflaviboids).

10. possess antibacterial properties and anti virus software. Recent studies show that green tea prevents the spread of disease, and speed up the healing of cold and flu. It also kills seven strains of food poisoning bacteria including Clostridium, botolos and Staphylococcus (which makes good treatment for diarrhea).

11. helps the body to maintain a healthy fluid balance and relieve fatigue and stress is often caused by dehydration.

12. the main receptors blocks that produce allergic reactions.

13. stimulates the metabolism, burning calories, and is used as an important part of a healthy diet.

It is important to know that black tea, although they come from the same plant and green tea, don’t give you the same benefits. Black tea during brewing process loses most of its benefits.

The best way to keep all nutrition in fighting disease drink your tea and freshly brewed. All the caffeine, ready-to-drink bottled or instant tea will give you very little natural compounds. It is best to let your tea steep for 4-5 minutes before drinking it.

I hope that after reading this article you’ll include a cup of green tea in your daily rate. After all it’s a rare case when something is good for our health also can be delicious.

via Blogger http://ift.tt/2ckecPY

Better Breathing for Better Health

Breathe as you already know the work is very important. All of us tend to breathe very shallow during any kind of stress and you will find that we have the chest gets throat due to lack of stretching from our chest deep breathing.

Better Breathing for Better Health

There are many benefits to proper breathing, experts say it reduces the effects of stress, and the main reason for the financial problems. Slow deep breathing, can lower blood pressure and heart irregularities and improve poor digestion and decrease anxiety.

  1. Lie down or sit on a comfy chair, maintain good posture. It should be the body as ease as possible. Close your eyes. Examine the body of tension.
  2. Pay attention to your breathing. Place one hand on the part of the chest or abdomen that seems to rise and fall the most with your every breath. If this spot on your chest, you don’t use the bottom of your lungs.
  3. Breathing through the nose.
  4. Note If your chest moving in unison with the belly.
  5. Now put one hand on the abdomen and once in the chest.
  6. Inhale deeply and slowly through the nose into the stomach. You should feel the abdomen rises with the inhaler and your chest should move only slightly. Sniffing for 2
  7. Hold your breath and hold it for 8
  8. Exhale through your mouth, keeping the mouth and tongue and your jaw relax. Let another exhale for 4.
  9. Of course these figures are based on the breath taking deep breaths. 4:1: 2 is the number of breaths that you are looking for and you should try to do this way of breathing for 10 cycles 3 times per day. If this is not suitable, you can also do breathing while navigating, watching tv or even in session inasmuch as the respirator not distracting others.

This may sound a lot like our breathing for meditation, and somewhat connected. The only thing that is different that that should be a way to retrain ourselves to breathe better all the time.

via Blogger http://ift.tt/2c66xID

Head Lice Treatment

Your children get head lice is probably one of the worst
Parent fears and yet it is one of the most common health problems. If your children are growing up without catching them ever been really lucky.

Head Lice Treatment

Head lice cannot jump, and crawl from face to face and that is why it is so common among children who tend to sit close to each other. If your child gets wise to wash all the family and treating the furniture where it could fall on their heads, but healthy lice tend to stay on the heads instead of moving. However will spread sharing combs or brushes, where lice were removed during combing them.

Life cycle of lice. Lice eggs or nits are attached to the hair near the scalp and very difficult to remove. Hatch in 7 to 10 days, reach adulthood in the last 6 to 10 days. Then she lived for the last 20 days laying about 10 eggs per day.

Head lice are difficult to treat and prevent the recurrence of the injury, there is a need for vigilance to ensure no eggs to hatch. Not everyone actually gets his head itch so if someone in the family is infected you must verify all the Presidents. Some people find the idea very terrible, when she became infected with my granddaughter shakes my daughter when she was trying to remove them. As an elementary school teacher I had seen many infected children erupted.

Unfortunately become immune lice to chemotherapy, and many parents prefer home treatment head lice anyway. One solution is to use Hair Conditioner, leave it for a while, then combed the wacky comb. If you can scan the comb on a piece of tissue will see head lice even if they are not visible on his head. This should be repeated every 3 days for at least two weeks to ensure that any newly hatched eggs harvested. Personally I found that olive oil, which we left overnight after combing, worked better, leaving hair in Nice condition. Nonetheless, recurrent problem and finally I bought a battery-operated flea comb designed for pets that we found very effective. I have noticed that this is now advertising for head lice. If you want to use one, verify that the manufacturer and ensure that they are safe to use on children. We must always remember that the baby’s skin is very sensitive.

Whatever method you choose, do not convince, as soon as you get rid of head lice, keep checking to make sure they didn’t come back.

Advice on health matters should always ensure that the doctor is accepting any responsibility for actions taken.

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